May 26th & 27th was the 7th annual Murder Mystery Event in downtown Port Orchard. It was a super fun way to spend Memorial Weekend. We are always looking for an excuse to dress up in our pirate garb and this was a perfect opportunity. It was cool to have an event in our hometown. Many local businesses participated in the event. Some businesses handed out clues, while others offered crimes scenes. All the characters were available for interviews. We met some great people & visited some fun businesses that were new to us.
The cast & crew for the Murder Mystery Event. Everyone in this picture is a possible suspect in the murder of the town Cartographer. This is the first year it was put on by Fathom's of Fun. They did a great job.
Sarah, the carpenter's daughter, & her mother, Rebecca. They are both lovely & repected women, but are still considered suspects in the murder.
The candle maker & the butcher. The butcher always seems to carry her meat cleaver with her. Hmmmmmmm.....kinda makes you wonder........
This pirate pup is a 15 month old Newfoundland. He's a huge puppy. He's adorable and so entertaining. He looks like a big teddy bear. Everyone loves him. His mistress is first mate on one of the pirate ships and a suspect in the murder case.
Constable scot performed a complete investigation & interviewed all the suspects. She did a fine job.
The carpenter with his wife & daughter. |
The town's people discussing the murder. |
Who could have committed this terrible crime?? Was it a pirate???? |
The town's people were convinced it was a pirate from one of the three newly docked pirate ships. The pirates were sure it was a land dweller. |
Finally.......Constable Scot has finished the investigation & is ready to announce her conclusions.
Oh, no. It's Sarah. The sweet & friendly daughter of the carpenter. She is heartbroken over her lost love who went down with a ship that was following a badly written map drawn by the Cartographer. Her broken heart drove her to his murder. |
Sadly, Sarah is arrested for the crime.
The Cartographer was very unpopular in the community. He owed many of the town's people money. He really had a shameful character. Personally, I think Sarah did the town a favor. |
Our friends, Lady Dee Dee & her captain, Jim. They are two of the nicest pirates you'll ever meet. They are the owners of, 'The Golden Fleece.' Dee Dee makes absolutely gorgeous pirate clothing for men & women.
He's harmless. Really!!
Me & Captain Don. |
Having fun on the Port Orchard waterfront while waiting for clues to help solve this terrible crime. |
Tawnya & Ryan looked fantastic. They had a blast. |
They were a great deal of help during the murder investigation. |
At Moondog's for dinner after the Events. Ryan is concentrating hard on what had been a huge plate of nachos. We've nick named him, 'Nacho Man.' |
Tawnya, looking cute at the Moondog. |
Pirate Ryan thinks he's tough, but............. |
.....she showed him, he's not so tough.
We want to thank everyone who participated in this wonderful & fun filled weekend. They were all volunteers and offered their time to help make this weekend special. We thought it was perfect. We can't wait to do it again next year.